Bariatric Journal

How Important are Bariatric Surgery Support Groups?

Undergoing bariatric surgery to lose body fat can be overwhelming, both emotionally and physically. The weight loss journey can stress you out significantly because it isn’t just the physical metamorphosis you go through. Patients often find it intimidating as they learn how bariatric surgery works, necessary diet and diet lifestyle requirements, and the associated emotional changes they will experience.

Joining a bariatric surgery support group can be a good way to connect with other people who have had the same experience, and get valuable advice from them. Besides providing you with a safe environment to work through your weight loss challenges, it will help you to stay motivated all along. If you are finding the weight loss surgery journey too daunting, here’s everything you should know about how a support group can help you overcome the problems.

Ongoing Educational Support

Bariatric surgery is a rewarding weight loss program, but it requires making life-long changes to have effective results. As such, many bariatric surgery programs set up their own support groups, guided by industry professionals such as weight loss surgeons, nutritionists, guest speakers, etc. They will discuss a variety of educational topics and also provide an open forum where members can meet and provide constant inspiration to each other.

There are also several online support groups, which you can consider joining. However, choose wisely. After all, you do not want to end up joining a group where the content or goal does not match what your weight loss surgery program suggests to you.

But make sure joining a support group should not be merely a checkbox you tick when filling up your insurance form before the surgery. Regular attendance, both before and after the surgery, will provide you with the opportunity to learn from people who have undergone the same process and experienced similar problems.

Know that You are Not Alone

Connecting with like-minded people at a bariatric surgery group will help you find comfort knowing that it isn’t just you in this weight loss journey. You can meet long-term patients, post-operative patients, or people who are looking to get back on track to shed some extra pounds. A feeling of belongingness and advice from fellow patients will inspire you to bring positive changes in your life towards your weight loss goals.

Stay Focused

Bariatric surgery isn’t merely a physical procedure. It may significantly affect your emotional and mental state as well. You are required to strictly follow certain lifestyle and diet changes because it depends on how your body adapts to the changes. Adapting to this new life can be difficult. That is why it is crucial to get into a support group that can help you with the right advice and enthusiasm to stay on track and healthily lose more weight.


Whether you recently underwent bariatric surgery or are all set to embrace this life-transforming process, joining a support group offers the right peer support, knowledge, and expert advice you’d need to achieve success through all phases of your weight loss journey. Find a good bariatric surgery support group and stick to it at all stages for life-changing results.

Get Validation that Supports Your Weight Loss Goal

Often, in the journey through your weight loss surgery and recovery, you will feel dejected thinking about why you underwent the process in the first place. Was it a good choice? Such questions may come into your mind because the post-operative process can be tough and it may not be simple to stay on track with lifestyle changes, dieting, or exercising.

Getting into a good support group can immensely help with receiving acceptance because you will come across other people, sharing their experience of how bariatric surgery has helped them improve their health. These real-life stories can be so inspiring to make you feel good about the choice you made.

Share Your Success

As you gain motivation and continue to progress towards your weight loss goal, you can share your experience and success with group members. As navigating through lifestyle and diet changes become seamless, you can pass on the knowledge as advice to help others who might be apprehensive about getting a bariatric surgery done. This will also make you feel celebrated sharing your success and you gain more confidence to continue working unless you achieve your goal.

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