Orbera Gastric Balloon: How it Works and Guide

Written by Bariatric Journal Editor on November 7, 2023 — Medically Reviewed by Bariatric Journal Editor

Orbera Gastric BalloonAn Orbera intragastric balloon system is performed for weight loss. The Orbera gastric balloon takes up space in the stomach thus reducing the size of the stomach and therefore helping in the regulation of the amount of food consumed. The balloon is put into the stomach through the mouth through an endoscopic procedure that is minimally invasive.

The patient has, however, to be mildly sedated for this procedure to take place. The inserted balloon can either be filled with saline or salt water which causes it to expand and form a spherical shape. The amount of saline put into the balloon varies from between 400 and 700cc depending on one’s body structure and other considerations.

How It Works

By taking up space in the stomach, the Orbera balloon limits one’s ability to overfeed. Candidates not only eat small portions of food, but they also eat less frequently. When accompanied with a diet program which helps change one’s diet to a healthier one, the Orbera balloon not only accelerates weight loss but also protects the candidate from experiencing some of the undesirable side effects that could be linked to the procedure.

Do You Qualify?

To qualify for Orbera Gastric Balloon:

  1. You should be an adult.
  2. You should have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of between 30 and 40.
  3. You should be open to medical supervision programs.
  4. You should be free of gastrointestinal illnesses and/or infections.

Removal Of The Orbera

The balloon has to be removed after six months. If it stays in longer, it could lead to severe infections and become hazardous to your health. The removal procedure is non-surgical and simple just like the insertion process. If the balloon has deflated and/or gone into the digestive system and emergency surgery might have to be performed to rectify the problem.

What The Orbera Balloon Accomplishes

During a clinical study on the Orbera balloon, subjects with the balloon lost more weight than those who didn’t. In the study, 255 patients were observed for a year. 125 of them got their balloons removed after six months and were observed for an additional 6 months. At the end of the study, patients with the Orbera system lost about 21.8 pounds in six months, which is equivalent to 10.2% of their body weight. Three months after device removal, most of the patients managed to maintain a weight loss average of 19.4 pounds.

From this study, it is apparent that the Orbera Ballon is an effective way of losing weight but to maintain the healthy weight, a lot more has to be done including making lifestyle changes.

When To Avoid The Orbera Gastric Balloon

This device should not be inserted in individuals who:

  • Currently, have another type of intragastric balloon already inserted.
  • Individuals who have had prior bariatric or gastrointestinal surgery.
  • Individuals who suffer from gastrointestinal tract inflammatory disease.
  • People who are at a high risk of developing gastrointestinal bleeding conditions such as ulcer patients.
  • If you have a hiatal hernia that’s significantly large.
  • If you have ever had abnormalities in the structure of your pharynx or esophagus.
  • Individuals who suffer from esophageal motility conditions.
  • If there is a gastric mass in your body.
  • If you suffer from coagulopathy which is a severe bleeding and clotting disorder.
  • In people suffering from liver failure or cirrhosis.
  • If you are known to have allergic reactions to any of the materials in the elements used in the making of the Orbera Balloon.
  • If you have previously suffered from a psychiatric illness.
  • If you are a drug addict or alcoholic.
  • In people who are not able or willing to take proton pump inhibitor medication which is administered at the time the device is implanted.
  • If you’re pregnant or currently breastfeeding.
  • If you are currently taking aspirin, blood thinners, anti-inflammatory drugs or any other gastric irritants.

Aftercare Support

Most success stories of the Orbera Balloon weight loss treatment lose the weight but those who show impressive results are the those that get support along the way to continue maintaining a healthy diet, exercising and staying on course with their new lifestyle.

If you have recently undergone an Orbera gastric balloon procedure, you will realize better results if you get support from a dietician, support group, healthy recipes online, meal planning and diet trackers.