What Happens If You Cheat on Your Liquid Diet Before Bariatric Surgery?

Written by Bariatric Journal Editor on September 16, 2024 — Medically Reviewed by Bariatric Journal Editor

Smoothie, liquid diet

After bariatric surgery, you will be put on a liquid diet. This provides a highly controlled level of calorie intake and can help you to start losing weight. However, there are other reasons for this liquid diet as well, including the fact that it gives your digestive system time to begin healing. That is why you should never cheat on your liquid diet after bariatric surgery. But what about before surgery? Does it matter?

Why a Liquid Diet Before Bariatric Surgery?

You will not be able to eat food for 8 or more hours prior to your procedure. If you do, you will put yourself at risk for serious health complications due to general anesthesia risks. That could be life-threatening. 

In the days leading up to the procedure, your doctor is likely to provide you with meals that are high in protein, with smaller portion sizes, and low carbs until switching to a fully liquid diet. At that time, you should only be using liquids because of the need to clean out and support the digestive system. Your body needs to be ready for the surgical aspects of the procedure. 

What Will the Consequences Be? 

If you cheat on this liquid diet prior to your surgery, your doctor will learn about it within minutes of starting your procedure, and that will lead to the cancellation of it. Other factors, such as the size of your liver, can also provide insight into when you last ate.

Your diet before and after bariatric surgery is designed to specifically support your body with the right level of nutrients you need without straining the digestive system. Staying away from any solid food is critical to protecting your health and overall well-being from any type of complications during or after the procedure is over.

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